We’re back!!! It’s always an adjustment travelling between Haiti and the U.S., especially after a good lengthy stay. Leading up to our return to Haiti we had been praying that the transition back to Haitian life would be as easy as it could be considering our stomachs had readapted to American food, we had been sleeping comfortably every night with zero power outages, Harps and Wal-Mart were just a couple of minutes away, and communication was always available with ease. It didn’t take too long at all for us to remember that those things just aren’t a reality here haha! In fact Haiti had it’s own ways of reminding us real quickly just how arduous it can be. WARNING! We’re getting ready to vent here! One of our biggest fears was that we would come back and find our home a complete wreck after leaving it unoccupied and unopened for nearly a year. (When we say unoccupied we mean by human beings.) Upon returning to Mole our nightmare had become a reality as we opened the first door to our kitchen. As we expected, rodents had made their dwelling inside of our little house and they left us plenty of evidence that they didn’t mind housekeeping for us during our absence. Those little satanic fur balls with tails destroyed almost everything on the inside and outside of our cabinets and then left little bonus surprises all over the counter tops and floors in both solid and liquid form. In addition to that, in each room we found one of the bodies of our housekeepers mostly decomposed with a distinct aroma of death that could only be eliminated by strong chemicals. With the help of our little Haitian sister, Sanfa, we were able to get the entire house cleaned up in a day. However, more challenges to our transition still awaited us. Just a few days later we both came down with “grip”(Haitian flu), in addition to that our two porch dogs died, and to top it off the village power company has only been giving us electricity in small increments for mechanical reasons which means sleep has been hot, sweaty, and mostly scarce while at the same we’re having to keep a close eye on our refrigerator to make sure our food stays cold. So yeah, we’re adjusting! Would you believe us if we said it’s great to be back!?


One of the things we looked forward to the most once getting back was seeing our preschool kiddos. Our first Monday back at school was a sweet reunion to say the least. It was unreal to see how much some of them had grown in just eleven months. Thanks to the KIDS ministry at FBC Rogers we were able to come back with a gift bag for each of our students. In addition to the gift bags our church life group also collected funds that will allow us to continue feeding our students on a daily basis for months to come. We can’t adequately express our thankfulness for our home church and all the ways they support our ministry here!

Feeding Center Update We were thrilled to return and find that the feeding center construction has almost reached completion. Due to constant skyrocketing costs of everything in Haiti our estimation to complete it’s construction came up just a little short. At this point we will only need to raise additional funds for tile and paint and then the feeding center will be finished. Thank you SO much to all of you who have given toward this effort!


As always we appreciate you taking time to read over our newsletter. It’s a huge blessing to be able to report to you all that God is doing through our ministry here in Haiti. Please continue praying for us as we settle back into life here and most of all pray for those we are working to reach with the gospel.

For His Glory,
Chris and Cassie Myers