Chris and Cassie Myers’s love for Haiti began during the early stages of their relationship. Chris made his debut trip to Haiti along with Rusty and Trisha Williams in 2012 and immediately fell in love with the people whom they had gone to serve.  Just two years later, Chris and Cassie had already begun dating when Cassie made her debut trip with the team as well. Over the course of several trips, building life-long friendships, and working with people within the community of the church, an even deeper love and eventual calling would become evident in their lives. While visiting Haiti in 2015, Chris was given the opportunity to move his life to the country that had captured his heart and assist with the school’s English program in Mole St. Nicolas. But, what about Cassie??? With an absolute certainty that Haiti was where God was leading him, Chris answered the call and he and Cassie remained confident that the Lord knew exactly what He was doing and Chris moved to Haiti in July of 2016. After Chris had been in country for almost a year, another door had opened that would allow Cassie to find a place of full time service, working in the mission’s preschool. Chris and Cassie were married in December 2017 and are now living and working together full time in the village of Mole St. Nicolas. 





Pastor Kenan Molme is the founder and President of M.E.E.H. (Mission Des Eglises Evangeliques D’Haiti) Pastor Kenan and his wife, Jeanne, were both born and raised in Haiti. Having been brought up in the home of a Baptist preacher, Kenan was no stranger to the ministry of the gospel to the Haitian people. At just age seventeen he began his preaching ministry and committed the rest of his life to the teaching of God’s word throughout Haiti. In 1974, he planted Peniel Baptist Church, which was the very first Bible teaching church in the village of Mole St. Nicolas. Since then, he is also responsible for the planting of four other churches throughout the country, with each church operating a Bible based grade school.  “Pastor Kenan” is a name that everyone recognizes around Haiti and he is well known for being “a man of principle” who greatly fears the Lord.  We consider it a tremendous blessing to be partnered with Pastor Kenan, his wife, and their mission in Haiti.