Well hello there! After a few months of newsletter hiatus we’ve decided it’s time to check in with our friends and ministry partners and fill y’all in on the latest. We pray that everyone has stayed healthy and vigilant during these strange and crazy times. Just earlier this week we both received a positive test for covid but thankfully have remained mostly symptom free with the exception of losing sense of smell and taste and occasionally feeling a little tired. So, needless to say we’ve been confined at home finding ways to pass the time in quarantine and thought a newsletter was long overdue.

It’s been nearly nine months since we came stateside from our beloved Haiti with zero anticipation of being here this long. What had originally been planned as a four nights stay in Miami turned into an extended trip home to Arkansas due to political turmoil that caused a nationwide lockdown in Haiti. Then came the still looming global pandemic that would prolong our stay here in the states even further. Back in April Chris took a summer job with an HVAC company that has greatly helped us with expenses and passing the time. Now here we are in July still praying that our return is not too far off. Haiti’s borders have reopened to travellers and we’ve also just learned that schools will reopen August 10th for students who were unable to finish out the previous school year due to covid. We are now praying about and planning our return for hopefully the beginning or middle of September if the Lord is willing.


In recent Haiti news we were heartbroken to hear that our sister Rosana, who is the wife of our dear friend, Pastor Joseph, suffered a stroke. Pastor Joseph is the associate Pastor of our church in Mole St. Nicolas as well as the school administrator at Faith Baptist College. We got word this morning from Pastor Joseph that he is currently with his wife in Port Au Prince seeing different doctors and therapists. Thanks to our supporters, our ministry was able to make a generous contribution that will assist Pastor Joseph and his precious wife with medical expenses. Will you please join us in praying for sister Rosana?


In recent weeks as the number of coronavirus cases continued increasing in Haiti, we were able to employ a young man from our sister church in Port Au Prince to make masks for our church members. Each mask was made in the colors of the Haitian flag. The way of life in Haiti simply doesn’t allow for social distancing to be carried out in a practical way. Because of this we wanted to strongly encourage the wearing of masks by providing each church member with one that is well constructed and boasts the colors of the country’s flag. Thankfully in recent days the number of reported covid cases in Haiti have been on a noticeable decline.

As always we thank you for taking time out to read our newsletter. We are very eager to return to our people and we would greatly appreciate your prayers in that regard. Our ministry can only operate by God's provision through people like you who support us and pray for us. Thank you for being instrumental in that way and for your partnership that allows us to advance the gospel in Haiti. May God richly bless you and your family.

For His Glory,
Chris and Cassie Myers