It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And although we long to get back to our beloved Haiti, we are always so thrilled to be in Arkansas with our loved ones for the Holidays. Christmas is by far our favorite time of year and we both stay giddy throughout this season, which has helped ease the pains of being away from our work and our people in Haiti. Almost every day we’ve made contact with our people to stay informed on their well being and the condition of the country to evaluate when and if it is time to return. We are praising God that after fourteen weeks of the entire country being on lockdown that conditions have gradually begun to improve. Businesses that were closed are now open, hospitals are able to receive patients, many kids are going to school for their first time this school year, and gas is being distributed to stations that were dry for months. The daily street manifestations have mostly stayed at a minimum and traffic has been able to move freely throughout the country.  Only a month ago we were told that we should expect to begin hearing of fatalities due to starvation because of unaffordable market prices and an insufficient food supply due to the inability to distribute.  Praise the Lord we never had to hear such news and Haiti has made some improvement.  Now, realistically we know things could change again in an instant so we continue to closely monitor the situation as we anticipate our return to Haiti planned for January 8th. Pray with us that conditions would continually improve allowing us to get back to our people.


Part of what made our decision to remain stateside for a while so difficult was the shifting of our daily responsibilities onto other people during our absence. Our little Haitian sister, Sanfa (pictured below), so graciously accepted the task of making sure our 42 preschool children stay fed each school day while we are away.  Not only has she prepared and delivered the food for us each day, she has also made an effort  to keep us in touch with our kiddos via photos and video chat. We are so very thankful for her stepping in and bearing the burden amongst her countless other responsibilities.  We love and thank you, Sanfa!


As always we want to express our infinite gratitude to each and every family who so generously support us through prayer and through giving. Without the giving of our financial supporters we would be unable to do what we do. We, like so many other missionaries are responsible for raising our own funding to keep us on the mission field. Inevitably there are occasional obstacles that arise in the area of funding that require us to reach out for additional support.  In the wake of political turmoil comes the rising cost of supplies. This, coupled with some recent changes to our  monthly ministry income now leaves us in a place of need as far as monthly supporters.  This is a tough pill to swallow in light of it being the worst time of year to be reaching out for financial support but we are leaning on the goodness of our heavenly Father believing He will provide. If you and your family would be interested in supporting us financially, please send us an email at and be sure to visit our ministry website at to learn more about what we do.


We want to thank you for reading our monthly newsletter. We also want to use this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a blessed 2020!! May your hearts be filled with the hope and promise of Christ as we celebrate His birth and anticipate His return. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Chris & Cassie Myers

  • Pray that more monthly supporters would come on board to help keep us on the mission field. 

  • Pray for us as we plan to return to Haiti in early 2020.  Pray that we would readjust quickly after being stateside for a couple of months.

  • Pray that the political climate would remain calm allowing the country to function normally.