Our six weeks in Arkansas went by in a hurry, but we had a wonderful time catching up with family and friends, fundraising, and enjoying some much needed rest to help us get over whatever virus we had right before our travel. Now we are back on the ground in Haiti and resettling into our routine here in the Mole. We’ve spent the last couple of days scrubbing our floors with disinfectant and re-washing all of the clean laundry we had left behind. Leaving the house unoccupied for six weeks naturally creates a nice quiet setting for the mice and rats to take a number two. Including all over our clean clothes and our bed. Thankfully after a deep cleaning our little house is looking (and smelling) less like an outhouse for rodents and more like our home again. 

One of the main objectives during our recent visit to Arkansas was fundraising for the feeding center at the school in Mole St. Nicolas.  With the help of so many generous people, our ministry put on our very first official fundraiser. The fundraiser featured a fun night of trivia, a meal, raffle prizes, and also gave people the chance to hear a little bit about the vision for the feeding center. It was incredible to see the body of Christ come together and give so generously. Through the fundraiser alone we were able to raise $6,000 toward our $20,000 goal. Apart from the fundraiser, additional funds were given by other donors that allowed us to come back to Haiti with all $20,000 raised for the construction of the feeding center. All Glory to God!! Among those generous donors is a  young lady named Camryn Rowlett in our home church’s youth group who gave away her earnings from the “World Changers Award” which she was awarded earlier this year. Camryn and her mom treated us to lunch and presented us with a check to help fund the construction of the feeding center. We and the people of Haiti are so grateful for you, Camryn!! We also were given a check by the First Baptist Rogers kid's ministry who raised money during this year's VBS that will be used for the construction as well.

Finally, in addition to all of the great news regarding the feeding center, we also received word from the same generous family who funded last year’s teacher salaries that they would once again be funding them for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. We are in complete awe at the faithfulness of our God and His working through the body to provide for these needs.

Trivia night fundraiser.

Trivia night fundraiser.

After lunch with Camryn!

After lunch with Camryn!


As our visit to Arkansas came to a close, we were blessed by the company of some dear friends. Being surrounded by these brothers and sisters and hearing their prayers go up for us and our ministry was a very special time. We always hate saying “bye for now” but the encouragement and support of our family and friends is what makes leaving a little easier.


In just a few short days four of our dearest friends and ministry partners, David and Loren Bullard and Rusty and Trisha Williams will be flying in to join us for a little over a week. We are so looking forward to the time we will get to spend together here reaching people for Jesus and exploring future ministry opportunities. David and Loren plan to put their creative bones to work capturing video and photos for our ministry website and also doing family portraits for our church members.  Please join us in praying for traveling mercies for the team as well as for a fruitful week of laboring for His glory.

The Bullards, Williamses, and Myerses, with our friend Sonnier, from a previous trip.

The Bullards, Williamses, and Myerses, with our friend Sonnier, from a previous trip.

  • Pray for the upcoming school year that we would be given divine appointments to share Jesus with our students. 

  • Pray for the team coming to work with us Aug. 29th-Sept. 7th.

  • Pray for our pastor, Pastor Kenan. Particularly for good health and for wisdom.