Well, we are writing our first official newsletter from the kitchen table of our very own home!! A little after three months of work, our “ti kay”  (little house) has mostly been completed.  Chris has been assembling furniture while Cassie has been putting her new kitchen in order and we are so thrilled to be in our own living space now! This afternoon we finally got to hook up our stove. With all that had been going on in Haiti the past several days we hadn’t been able to send for supplies and refill our propane tanks but thankfully as things have begun to calm down throughout the country, Pastor Kenan was able to get to Port de Paix yesterday to get propane and some other needed things. We are extremely thankful for all of you who reached out to us and have kept us in your prayers over recent days. As many people have been misinformed, the rioting and protesting in effort to try and force President Moise out of office is being organized by paid protestors and is not the popular choice of the Haitian people as President Moise is favored by the majority.  There is a long history lesson as to why that we will spare you in this newsletter but we try to combat the circulation of fake news that we know has a lot of folks misinformed about Haiti’s current situation. The truth is, poor, hungry, thirsty, people don’t destroy everything and block all of the roads for days that only keep them from going to work or school and accessing the supplies that they already so desperately need.  These protests are organized and carried out by paid villains. Anyway, we thank all of you for the prayers and for checking in on us and we would ask that you continue praying for Haiti and that these protests would cease completely and life could return to normal. 



Last month, because of the generous giving of our supporters, our ministry was able to purchase 2019 edition Bible study curriculum books for Sunday school members in our church. In the past, due to lack of funds, only those who teach the classes were given the curriculum. However this year, Sunday school members are able to follow along at church and study at home in a book of their very own.  Our sincerest thanks to our supporters who make things like this possible!!   

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Also because of the generosity of others, we were able to buy fabric and pay a woman in our church to tailor school uniforms for some of our preschool kids who have been attending school all year without one.  Because school uniforms are a really big deal in Haiti, some of the kids had stopped coming to school out of shame and embarrassment because they cannot afford one. We again express our sincere gratitude to those who gave and made it possible for us to help these kids buy uniforms. 

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Last Sunday we celebrated the birthday of our good friend, brother in Christ, Pastor and president of our mission, Kenan Molme. We are so thankful for this man whose love and fear for the Lord inspires us daily. We consider it a huge blessing to work alongside him in this ministry. We love you, Pastor Kenan and pray for God to bless you as He continues to use you for the sake of the gospel throughout Haiti.

It is always a joy for us to report to you how your prayers and support are being used to further God’s kingdom here in Mole St. Nicolas, Haiti. We thank God for you and pray His richest blessings over you and your family. Thank you for reading our newsletter and we look forward to reporting again next month.

For His Glory,
Chris and Cassie Myers 

  • Pray for God to calm the hearts of the Haitian people and bring to justice those who organize, provoke, and fund violent protests.

  • Pray for the development of partnerships that will allow for the consistent financial support and advancement of our mission. 

  • Pray that we would find the funds to complete and operate our school kitchen that will be used to feed hungry students. 

  • Pray for the upcoming youth conference and VBS in March that young people will be saved and hearts changed forever.

  • Pray as we seek an effective method for Cassie to learn the Haitian Creole language.